Pacman Halloween
How to create an original Halloween costume of Pacman and Ghost. Be sure to take a look at the video too!
How to create an original Halloween costume of Pacman and Ghost. Be sure to take a look at the video too!
Recently I posted a link to Line Rider, a flash application you can easily spend a couple of hours playing with. Here’s a great collection of some video’s of Line Rider, including some very impressive ones that must have taken …
Warren Ellis put up some very cool photos of the Space Shuttle launch, taken from the International Space Station. (via
The final release of version 2 of the webbrowser Firefox is now available for download. Get it while it’s hot!
Just discovered Line Rider today. After playing around with it a little, I discovered I already spent more than 30 minutes performing the most amazing stunts. Brings back some memories… Try to make your rider do a looping!
I just added a new category called ‘Quickies’. In this category I’ll be posting interesting links to other sites and web related short news items. This will also be the place for some entertaining and funny links now and then. …
Philip Howard has developed a way to get rid of the default boring checkboxes and radiobuttons in an HTML page. It behaves exactly like the default form controls, but looks much better. The good thing is he paid attention to …
Jack Slocum has made a start with ‘ajaxification’ of the well known forum software phpBB. He is using the Yahoo! UI Library (YUI) with Yahoo.ext, an extension to the Yahoo! UI Library. The results so far are impressive! Navigation works …
I’ve just uploaded a script to create a nice forum signature image. Check it out! Currently only creation of Dutch license plates is availble, but more will be added soon.
Programmers have very particular font needs. A font for programming must be monospaced, extremely readable, and must sharply distinguish between similar characters, such as capital O and zero and the number 1, capital I, and lowercase L. In addition, good …