Photo: Cheshire, Ohio
Flak Photo July 20th, 2010.
Flak Photo July 20th, 2010.
Just saw this video with an Android powered Motorola Droid which uses a Lego Mindstorms robot to solve this 7x7x7 Rubiks Cube in 38 minutes. Some impressive work!
At least an extensive tutorial and Facebook connection would be present if Super Mario Bros. was made today.
This Android powered Lego Mindstorms Robot solves a Rubik’s Cube in less than 25 seconds. Check it out below: [update May 18] Original video was removed, changed post to show other version of video.
I really love the Android OS since the moment I got my HTC Desire. It’s powerful, easy to use and gives you much more freedom compared to iPhone OS. Rumors say that Samsung will launch a tablet that runs Android …
Wow, within just a few minutes after a big after shock hit Haiti, the Twitter home page was showing the Fail Whale, and it still does now (more than one hour later). A lot of retweets happening at the same …
Last week I posted the first YouTube movie which shows a time lapse of the first day of the construction of the ‘Glazen Huis’. I’ve now finished a movie which shows the entire construction over a period of 8 days. …
Using the pictures from the webcam of RTVNoord (Groningen, the Netherlands) I created a time lapse video of the construction of the 3FM Serious Request Glazen Huis (Glass House). Starting Friday next week, 3 DJ’s will be in the Glass …
Time posts top 10 of everything. Motorola Droid #1 in gadgets top 10.
Today I integrated my Quickies-posts (listed on the right side of the main page) with my Twitter account. You can follow my tweets here: Quickie-posts are now published to my Twitter account through Twitterfeed. A while ago, I added …