A fresh start!

Yes, it has taken quite some time since the shutdown of my previous site. But this time I guess it’s a real start of something new. It’s about web. About tech. About programming. Kinda like the stuff I do at work, but also enjoy doing in my spare time.

A little bit about me: I’m Martijn Reemst, 31 years old and living in The Netherlands. I’m employed as a consultant at a large software company. I enjoy watching movies, reading, programming, music and travelling. I ran a quite successful Calvin and Hobbes site for about eight years, until the publishers shut it down. The last year I did a few minor things on the web, but now the time is right for some more substantial contribution to the web.

Among my areas of expertise are: HTML, PHP, CSS, Java/J2EE, Javascript, GUI designing, different kinds of webservers.

Check back soon for the first ‘real’ post!

Oh, comments are on for this post, so don’t be shy!

10 Comments on “A fresh start!

  1. cant wait to talk again! Im 14 now, so I have mature BIG TIME.
    whats gonna happen to this site, hm?


  2. Hey, the site’s looking good, as always. Can’t wait to see how things develop!

  3. hmmmm..I recognize Picpak….but none of the others.Can’t wait to see you all onthe forums. Wherever they may be….>.O

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